Hello again! We've got four new tracks posted--be sure to check them out. Major thank you to Hanna Berggren and Sam O'Byrne for providing their incredible vocal talents. Also, a big thank you to Bruce Posey for producing the tracks for us. Thanks to their hard work, we've got six demos done. Without giving away too many spoilers, here's some more detail on each track (in order of appearance):
- "Next"- This is the opening number of Disrupt! and sets the stage at Billz Coffee Shop, where Joe and Alec work as baristas--Lucy enters at the end of the number. Billz is populated with various Silicon Valley stereotypes (i.e. the VC who bikes to work, the sloppy coder, the yoga mom, etc). This was the first song I wrote for the show--I consider it the conceptual and tonal anchor.
- "Disrupt" - Lucy sings about her desire for a startup that disrupts--however, she's not so sure what that mythic startup actually entails. She needs the help of Joe and Alec to come up with her big idea. "Disrupt" is an anthem for Lucy that crops up throughout the show as she finds her way.
- "It's Like"- Lucy and Alec play on the classic Silicon model (It's like "BLANK" for "BLANK") as they brainstorm ideas for a startup. Joe reluctantly chimes in.
- "Unicorn"- Chad, a venture capitalist, enumerates his greatest ambition--to acquire a unicorn (a.k.a. a startup with a starting valuation of at least a billion dollars). Villains have dreams too.
- "Cougar Night" - Lucy, Alec, and Joe are taken to the Lillywood Bar for Cougar Night after an awkward networking session. The crew meets some older women on the prowl.
- "Dotting the I's" - Just when Lucy thinks she's on the cusp of success, a slimy patent troll enters to rain on her parade.
That's all for now. Stay tuned for more news and make sure to follow us on instagram (@disrupt_themusical)!